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Friday, 12 October 2012

The big city

   Good evening to all. I realize it has been quite a while since I wrote anything here but I've just been busy. Collecting life experiences can be time-consuming! It is amazing how much stuff a person can learn in just a matter of days. And one way to accomplish that is by traveling. I personally traveled to London not too long ago. And let me tell you it was something I will never forget!
   One of the main things that struck me about the city was the massive amount of people that surrounded me constantly. Whether I was going sight-seeing, out to lunch or to see a soccer game, I always had an incredible amount of people around me. Going somewhere, returning from somewhere, who knows? But they all seemed so distant, so much that if you were lost and wanted to ask for directions, you would hesitate, since people there didn't really seem open to talking to strangers. I got the feeling there was a security issue in that place.
   Another thing that came to make that feeling even stronger was the high level of security that was enveloping the entire city. Either in the underground or in the streets or even in a taxi, everything was constantly monitored and safe-guarded. I, as a newcomer, had the impression that something awful had happened in this place and they were doing their best for it never to occur again.
   Of course that's not to say that London was short on entertainment! Far from it actually! Anyone who has been knows that whichever station of the underground you get off at, there's something fun to do. Whether riding the London Eye at Westminster (across the Thames), going to the London Dungeon at the London Bridge, having dinner at Canary Wharf or out clubbing at Soho near Leicester, there's always something to do at any hour of the day!
   The living there ain't so rough either. With basic monthly expenses that come up to about 1200 pounds and monthly salaries that begin from about 950 pounds, it could be pretty easy to embark on a new life adventure in London, provided you are proper organized. One of the main concerns of a person attempting this though, would be food and transport, as costs for transportation (mainly underground and buses) and daily shopping are quite high.
   Another thing I did not see in my short stay in London (although I could be wrong about it) was a getaway. A place for people to go running or jogging or riding their bicycles in (an equivalent to New York's Central Park, if you may). A place where people can go to get away from their daily routine and just relax. I heard this complaint from people who were living in London. That they don't have any getaway's. They're stuck in the big city.
   Apart from that it's a massive place in which you can easily get lost in and just as easily lose yourself in. It has something for everyone and it really takes a lot of effort for someone to actually get bored there. Quite an experience!