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Friday, 16 October 2015

Jump right in, the water's fine!!!

   It's been quite a long time since I wrote about anything. But life has a way of keeping you busy, especially when you're running 10-12 hours shifts... Anyway, none of that! We're here to discuss much more significant matters! A fortnight before I head out to France so that I can join the madness that is the Paris Games Week (and I will be doing a full article about that with pics and everything just as soon as I get back!), I take a step back and look at the whole gaming scene from afar. That and also, both an article on IGN and one of my own inspired me to post this.
   There has never been a better time to be a Gamer! This is it! It is now mainstream, more than even Hollywood itself (http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/10/15/metal-gear-solid-5-opening-day-twice-as-good-as-avengers-age-of-ultron) and we are part of it. At every major gaming event around the world, the tickets are sold by the hundreds of thousands to the hungry fans that want to see what the new entry to their favorite IP will look like. Even the ones that cannot attend, livestream the events through their PC's, iPhone's, PS4's, XBox One's or whatever, just so that they don't miss out a minute of the action!
   Not only that, but now, it's the ideal time to purchase a (so-called) next-gen console. Two years a go when the PS4 and XBox One had first released, I wrote an article on all the reasons why someone shouldn't buy one (you can check it out right here). And it's funny cause most of the things I wrote back then turned out to be true! Apart from the price cuts that both consoles have had since launch (although the PS4 hasn't officially received one here in the EU to be precise but it's only a matter of time), look at all the options we have:
   A variety of themed consoles and controllers, packs with our favorite games that reduce the overall cost, and a whole bunch of games that have been released already including (but not limited to): Metal Gear Solid V, The Witcher 3, Grand Theft Auto V, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Until Dawn, Far Cry 4, etc.
   But not only that, right now we're at a period in which most developers have become accustomed to the new machines and their capabilities and they're just about to release all their triple-A titles. Between the end of this year and around about mid-2017 we are going to be hit by a storm of amazing games, some of which are even planned for launch within the next 2-4 months! More specifically, here are some titles that have been confirmed for release within 2015-2016:
   Fallout 4, Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy XV, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, No Man's Sky, Halo 5: Guardians, Tom Clancy's: The Division, Tom Clancy's: Rainbow Siege, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Quantum Break, Dishonored 2, Hitman, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8, Persona 5, Street Fighter V, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4.
   And that's just what has actually been announced. There's still the off-chance that we might get something mid-2016, like the typical EA sports games or what happened recently with Ubisoft's fresh-out-of-the-oven Far Cry Primal! Also, there are games that have been announced but are still far off that weren't added to this list, like Shenmue 3, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Kingdom Hearts 3 or the Final Fantasy VII remake. So as you can easily see, there's still a lot more to come!
   So, as a final assessment, it is easily realized that now would be the perfect opportunity to enter the next-generation of gaming. To enjoy the continuous flow of marvelous content that all these developers have poured their heart and soul into and to become a member of an always-growing community. I think I'll have much more to talk about next time, when I return from Paris. Till then...