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Monday, 5 August 2013

Haters gonna keep hatin'!

   Hey! I know it's been a long time, but better late than never, right? Life keeps moving at the speed of light and all of a sudden you realize, it's been almost a month since you posted anything in your own blog! Things happen, I actually have a job now so that keeps me busy, but still, it's always good to have this lil' place where I can share my thoughts with the rest of the world. Now I know I really turned my geek on last month so I'm gonna switch tunes this time and talk about something a bit different. A bit more "old-school me", if you will.
   I've been spending a lot of time on the net lately and, like everyone, I've been on forums. And most forums I've been in, whether it's to discuss a video-game (ok, that's all the geek you're gonna get, I promise!), or an episode of my favorite show or any show, or something that has to do with the soccer team I support, it's the same thing: angry, one-sentence comments, full of rage and no justification. It's like everyone in the world is mad about everything, so they just take it out on whatever they can find!
   And even when they have something good to say, it's never actually good. It's more like "Aww, hellz yeah!! This'll pawn all other gamz cause this is like, actually bearable!!!". More angry attacks at other things. And, yes I know that the ones making these comments or remarks are probably 13-year-old kids that shouldn't even be taken seriously. But then again, it's hard not to when they're literally in every single forum or youtube comment section! Laughing at these comments is an option, I guess.
   Then there's the people that try to actually justify their bad remarks. These people are a special type of vicious! The world is not good enough for them and never will be and they can sit there and analyze it for you in every single detail. And if you attempt to make a civil discussion with these people, the most likely outcome will be your fist through the wall out of sheer irritation. 
   I'm not one to criticize others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, of course. It's just that, it seems there's so much judgement going around these days! Everything's become so easy and so next-gen, that we've forgotten how to be fascinated or enthused or amazed. It's like we just automatically expect things and when they don't meet our grand expectations, we are ready to dismiss them. No, worse than that. It's like we're waiting for them not to meet our expectations in order to dismiss them!
   As a person who likes to dwell even deeper within behaviors, I think to myself "Where does all this judgement and negativity towards everything come from?". And up until now the only answer I can come up with is that these people have obviously been dealing with judgement themselves for a long time now. From the outside world, from the people close to them, heck, even themselves! Maybe they were judged themselves heavily and so they've grown to expect nothing but greatness from everything around them!
   We judge and are judged everyday. By our co-workers, our friends, our teachers, our families... And sometimes, the judgement we receive can be nothing but harsh. So it's easy to just give up and be mad at all those who look down on us. So, apparently, that's why there's so many angry people behind keyboards nowadays that are ready to jump the gun at anything that needs constructive criticism instead of taking a big hard look in the mirror. It's always easier when you're the one passing judgement.

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