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Thursday 21 July 2016

World War III... is now!

   (That title might seem a little bit creepy, I know.) Today was a relatively good day. Nothing negative has been posted on the news websites about people dying anywhere in the world, so we don't need to take to Twitter to put up a "#Prayfor..." status, in order to feel like we're making a contribution and that we're not empty, hollow shells of people (which we totally are, but that's a converstation for a different time). But, hang on, what am I even talking about? I need to re-read that sentence... "Today has been a relatively good day."? Why? Because people aren't killing each other? Have we really become so accustomed to this type of thing happening on a daily basis?
   Something like that is easy to happen once someone takes a look at the current global events: failed coup d'etat in Turkey, truck driver running over people at a parade in Nice during Bastille Day celebrations, constant shootings in the U.S., people out in the streets rioting in Greece, Venezuela and Brazil, terrorist attacks in Paris, Belgium, Germany, Sydney, financial humiliation for people in Europe and Latin America, Syrian refugee crisis, ISIL attacks in the middle-east, people starving to death or dying from diseases in central Africa, constant war in the Gaza and Egypt, financial problems in Brazil due to the Olympic Games, and that's just the icing on the cake. I remembered these WITHOUT looking at any news websites. They've been written into my memory.
   One might take a look at the world and say "what is wrong with us..?" in a sigh of exhaustion. Well, the first thing to remember is that this is a "dog eat dog" world. Those with more power will inevitably attempt to use that power in order to dominate those that stand beneath them, whether it's financially, politically or even religiously (though that last one stands to one's own beliefs really). And this comes from a primal instinct that is within all living creatures as they fight to dominate one another and prove who is leader of the pack. For a prime example, you need not look much further than a group of male, heterosexual friends accompanying a nice young girl on a night out. The weaker ones may sit quietly and not speak much as the rest of the group tries to dominate the situation so as to show themselves off as the "pack leader" to the potential mate. And that's pretty much how the world works. Ever heard of the phrase "dogs of war"?
   Another thing to keep in mind is that, the world has never exactly been entirely "out of war". Maybe a long, long time ago, but not anytime recently. The only thing that changes is the opponents and/or the intensity of the wars themselves. There will always be war, no matter the era. However humanity itself probably knows when they cross a certain line (see Hiroshima/Nagasaki) so that they can stop themselves before it's too late for the planet.
   In our day and age, however, wars are fought a little bit differently and with different opponents than they used to. It's not exactly nations that are at war against each other (that would actually make things a lot simpler!), but religions and social poistions. The war against religious extremists is delicate because a) you don't want to offend anybody by telling them "Hey! My God's better than yours!" (when none of them even exist but again, that's another story) and b) you don't even know where they're gonna hit you from. We're talking about people that have been trained (brainwashed) from a very young age to sacrifice their life for (what they believe is) a just cause in order to punish the evil that is the rest of the world (in their eyes). And in doing this (they believe that) they will be rewarded in the after-life. It is incredibly hard to even argue with these people, let alone stop them from their "righteous cause". All they're doing is killing themselves to serve someone else's cause. Their deaths are meaningless. But it's easy to see how they would be easily brainwashed after the difficult life they have. They grab on to any single piece of hope that they can so, what they're doing, it's understandable.
   The war between social positions, on the other hand is NOT understandable at all. It's a war fought, not with guns, but with dirty, greedy money. Back in the late 2000's, there used to be a middle class between the rich and those earning average money, but making ends meet. Ever since the financial crisis began, that gap just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger... This is mainly due to the fact that the wealthy are mercilessly taking advantage of the inability of the middle class to make ends meet with what little they earn. The people in charge (politicians, bankers, corporate heads) impose unbelievable taxes to the small and middle classes (rather than taking it from the upper clasees which, surprisingly, are rarely affected), to the point of there not even being a middle class anymore! It's just those struggling to survive and those that don't know what to do with their money! Imagine this for example: you live in a household in which the average monthly income is $1300. Up until that point your expenses would come up to $800, and the rest would be put to the side (which is still too little to survive a whole month, but anyway). Then the government and corporate heads come and put extra taxes on your head, reduce your incomes by $100, so now you have $1200 and have to dish out $1000 of that, which means you're practically living to pay bills. Meanwhile people with properties are just getting richer, personnel is getting cheaper, the market is also getting cheaper because most people don't even have money to shop so that means the upper classes just get more and more money. And that's how the gap widens and how financial warfare is waged. It is without doubt, the most sickening form of modern warfare.
   There's really nothing to do about the global situation. As I've previously stated many times in this blog, this planet is sufferring from a disease called the "human race" and it's just a matter of time to see whether the planet itself develops antibodies to get rid of us (i.e. earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamies, etc) or whether we eventually kill it off along with ourselves. However, for us peace-loving, out-of-the-pack wolves, we can only live our lives like we normally do and just stay away from any news whatsoever. Because, as I said, wars have been going on forever. it's the fact that we're getting constantly bombarded with all these reports about said wars that make us feel "responsible", like we have to "change the world". The world's been like this for centuries. Nothing's ever gonna change. Just live.

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