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Friday, 21 December 2018

2018: Review

   Hey Facebook, I saw your "your year on Facebook" thingy and it's crap. Cause memories are so much more than just a bunch of images you steal off our profiles. So I decided to do my own thing. Here goes. 2018 has been an unbelievable roller-coaster of a year for me personally. It really is extraordinary to see where I started the year, the people I got to see along the way, the places I got to visit, the incredible journey I made (both figuratively and literally), and where I find myself at the end of it. I got to make the most of the foundations I laid in 2017, but in doing so I had the rude awakening that there was more work that needed to be done in order to reach the final goal. It wasn't all "sugar and rainbows" either, as this year helped me mature in ways that I didn't think were necessary.
   The dawn of the new year found me in the Emirates for what I assume will be the last time. Looking at those spectacular fireworks at the Galleria Mall (Shopping Center) in Abu Dhabi, I still remember how long they went on for and the great show they put on. Those Emiratis really like to go all the way in everything that they do. I enjoyed my time in the country, I got to visit the Louvre and get a better feel for cultural heritage. Seriously, the amount of historical findings from several different time periods worldwide that were gathered in that single place was astounding if you were to think about it. I singled out the Japanese Meiji era samurai outfits (of course) but also the exhibition they had on the French Renaissance. I also got to visit Dubai again. I haven't made it to Tokyo or New York just yet, but I think Dubai will always have a special place in my heart. The malls, the skyscrapers, the metro that is above ground and lets you see the whole city, the beaches, the Burj Khalifa that reaches for the sky and the Burj Al-Arab, the Palm and just the luxury that this city exudes. I could've easily lived there, in a small apartment on the 48th floor with a killer view. I would like to return there some day.
   February found me returning to Athens to tie up loose ends. And even though people tell me otherwise, I knew inside that this was the last time I was going to be there. For those two months that I was there, I wanted nothing more than to get out. I finally got my driver's license in my hands (a procedure that I had started since September of 2017 and even though my "instructor" tried to get more money out of me). The only way I can think of to describe that city is as a black hole that squeezes the life out of anyone unfortunate enough to get tangled up in it.
   I stayed till mid-March. That's when the day I had been planning for since the middle of August 2017 finally arrived. I jumped on the plane (for the third time in the year already!) and headed down to Australia. A journey that I dreamed of making for the last, I dunno, 20 years or so, was actually happening. I still remember not knowing what to do with myself during those long hours on the plane, trying to stay calm but being all excited and hoping that the people sitting next to me don't think I'm some sort of a weirdo that needs to be escorted outside. Music helped a lot during those hours cause there was no internet.
   Along the way, I had the fortunate opportunity to stop at the Changi airport in Singapore. And oh my word, what an experience that was! There is a true reason why they call it the best airport in the world. I have been in shopping centers that would feel embarrassed to call themselves that if they saw this place. I feel like I will repeat many of the words I said about Dubai earlier, but it was so huge, so glamorous, it had so many shops, all the luxuries you could want, it even had four terminals connected via driver-less train! I have been to some nice airports (the one in Qatar really stood out) but this one was through the roof. I remember it had a food court and right across the hall there was this huge TV screen with comfortable couches showing Premier League games. Or, in other words, football heaven! There were also these machines that would massage your legs all around the place, free of charge! When I say through the roof, I mean it!
   Eventually, I reached Melbourne. Initially not as good as I imagined but the city has started to grow on me as I find more and more things I like about it. I really like the areas around the central business district. The place I stay in is great. Big, comfortable, nice neighbors (had some troublesome ones at first but that's all in the past). 
   There were a few problems when I first arrived of course. But I got through every hurdle on my own. I learned that being self-reliant is necessary when living in Australia as life moves in a much quicker pace than it does in Greece (since people actually have jobs here) and there's very little free time. I had to learn a few survival skills that I didn't have; cooking, laundry, etc. Thankfully though they weren't many cause I had been taught well. Also, it was during these times that I was surprisingly thankful for my unsuccessful attempt to go and make a living in London a few years back. I may not have made it, but it did teach me a few things that come in handy today!
   I was also extremely lucky when it came to the job hunt, as a fortunate encounter led me to the door of one of the most well-known Greek community newspapers, where I still am till today. It's really funny how things work out. I knew I was going to reach out to this industry at some stage, that was my goal in coming to Australia, I just didn't think it would happen so quickly. They have opened up a whole world for me and honestly I'm just grateful for the opportunity to work there. While it may be a little frustrating to have pointed out to you on a daily basis that it turns that the one thing you thought you were really good at, you're not that good at it, I don't let it get me down and I strive to become better all the time. 
   Thanks to them, I got the chance to meet with Real Madrid former right back Alvaro Arbeloa at their museum opening. I have also attended many other events and quickly picked up on how things operate regarding football in Australia (extremely disappointed, I must say). I was also at the 60th anniversary event for the newspaper. So many things, so quickly. My head just goes spinning at times.
   Last July, I made my way back to Sydney. I got to see all the cousins and aunties and uncles that I hadn't seen since I was 12 years old. I got to visit my childhood home, my yiayia's house. I visited yiayia's grave too. Those moments were too great for me to realize that I was actually there, I had actually made it home. I tried to take it all in but I just thought that, no matter what I did, it would all just sink in later. As it has. When I got the chance to finally meet up with my other five younger cousins, we had so much fun and for that one night that we went out I was so happy, but at the same time it made me so incredibly frustrated for all those times we've missed and for how much time I wasted in stupid Greece when we all could've just been hanging out like this. I got so angry with myself and I still do when I think about it because it's too late now. We're old.
   I also had the chance to go to many events of my own personal interest since I've been to Melbourne. The Madman Anime Festival, the "A New World" Final Fantasy concert at the Melbourne Recital Center (or whatever it's called), many great soccer matches, but I think, above all else stood PAX Australia. It was such a huge gathering of people with a common interest, the whole area was buzzing with positive energy and excitement, so many great games of course, not to mention the place was huge. I mean the Melbourne Exhibition Center is no joke! My legs got tired just walking around the place and I can go on for miles.
   Speaking of games, at some stage in August I realized that I just needed to go back to basics and bought myself a freaking PlayStation. The experiences this year has offered were through the roof. God Of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Detroit Become Human, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, even Shadow Of The Tomb Raider was great! And I even missed out on some. I really wanna try out Dragon Quest XI. 2018 was a milestone for game development and design and I had so much fun playing all of them. But of course, with Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out at the start of 2019, everything else just gets cancelled out.
   It has also been an experience for my taste buds coming to Melbourne, and a bit of an interesting one, I must say. Even though I've been to many places across Europe and the Emirates and tried many different dishes, there was something... unique about the food I ate at some of the places I happened to visit in this city. I realized that I'm not much of an "explorer" when it comes to food and I like to stick to what I know. After all, if I like it, there must be a good reason for it. I especially won't forget the Mexican tuna-tacos (it was meant to be chicken) and the soup that tasted like soap, I think it was Thai, I don't remember. But I also got to have ramen finally! And, as I imagined, I bloody loved the stuff! So, with that in mind, I think I need to try to be more accepting and more open to new experiences. After all, you only live once.
   Reading this, someone would think the year was all fun and (video) games, but there were also plenty of hardships, lots of lonely times as well. I mean, coming to a new country and a new city, it's to be expected that you don't know anyone, don't know where to go and you need to learn to cope on your own. And it's at these moments that your character is truly tested. It was a scarier process than I expected it to be and for a long time, I was disoriented. In this sort of situation, you try to latch on to anything that gives you even a small sense of familiarity. But, eventually, if you set your sights on what you want, focus on it and leave out everything else, then you make it through. At least, that's what happened in my case. 
   All in all, it was a milestone year for me, one that I will never forget and honestly I think it was the most important one of my life. It had its ups and downs, the bad with the good and some things went right while others went so wrong that they can't be fixed and will be kept as a reminder for similar situation in the future. But overall, this year was significant and that's the most important thing to take out of it. Looking back on this year's events only fills me with the confidence to move towards even greater things in 2019. It's funny to think that all of this, this entire year happened all because one night in August 2017 something clicked in my mind and I thought "that's it! I'm going to Australia". So weird...
   (In closing, I'd just like to say this: people might read this or some other things that I write or post on my social media profiles and say or think that maybe I should keep things to myself. While this is in part true, it's not in my capacity to be silent. Never was, never will be. I believe that the right function for all these is for to allow ourselves to look back on our past and see things we may want to correct, change or even just to see how we were 'back then' and have a laugh about it. A diary of sorts, if you will. A second purpose for me writing this and putting it online is that, maybe someone out there is having a crappy day and they happen to stumble upon it. And reading this might help them come to the realization that there are others out there struggling just as much as they are, yet they keep moving forward, instead of doing something dramatic like all that stuff we see online almost on a daily basis. A bit hopeful, I know, but if I get that reaction from even a single person, then that would be more than enough. Anyway. Bring on 2019!!!)

(Just a few of the places and the people that I spent time with in 2018...)

Sunday, 16 December 2018

A-League: The VIP club

   I've only been in Australia for a few months and I've been in touch with football in the country for even less of that time, but that has been enough to see some of its internal "diseases". The viruses that are eating it from within, keeping it trapped in the past while at the same time showing complete disrespect towards the roots of the sport and don't allow for even the tiniest sense of optimism for the future. Australian football, even within those in the Asian Federation where it now belongs, is mid-tier at most, and with the way that everyone is behaving, trying to protect their own self-interests instead of moving forward together for the good of the sport, it will only get worse.
   But why is this? There are some good players in the A-League, the teams are making investments and surely some young players are coming up, right? While that is true, that's unfortunately just a drop in the ocean of all things wrong with football and these "investments" could also be seen as a means of averting attention from the real issues.
   The true problem here are the A-League clubs themselves. Their behavior is abhorrent and is holding the sport back. The people in charge have been constantly difficult when it comes to the league expanding (the presence of the two Melbourne and three Sydney clubs were a deciding factor for who would win the bids for the A-League expansion, rather than actual merit). In fact, they pushed so hard against it to the point that the Football Federation of Australia (FFA), while initially planning to add both these two new teams to next season's championship, have now changed their decision for one per season so that they don't "upset the balance".
   Meanwhile, those in charge of the clubs claim that the FFA has been "holding them back, putting their own self-interests first rather that the good of the game" (which is partly true since the Lowy administration wasn't known as making the most positive changes to football) and have gone as far as to create the "Australian Professional Footballers Club Union", who's sole purpose is to break off the A-League from the FFA and make it an independent entity. But in which country, the world over, has this ever been seen? The way it works is that all leagues are run by their federation. That federation is part of a wider collection of federations, known as a con-federation (some known examples are: AFC, UEFA and CONCACAF) and all those confederations are under FIFA, the worldwide football organisation. If a league is NOT under a federation, then it is NOT recognized by FIFA and subsequently all its confederations, which means that if the A-League clubs do decide to go independent, they will lose all rights to play in the AFC Champions League, not to mention any other demerits FIFA, who are already watching developments in Australia very closely, might impose on them.
   But that doesn't seem to bother the boards of these clubs. After all, they're running businesses and the number one priority of a good business is to keep up revenues. Who cares if bringing in certain teams to the league might be good for the sport in Australia, when it could cost them their (already hard to find) precious customers. The narrow-mindedness of those in charge of the A-League clubs and their inability to see beyond what's in front of them even brought forth the revelation that although there are "ongoing discussions" for a "second division", there will be no form of promotion or relegation. Which automatically removes all meaning for it, since the National Premier Leagues and the Y-League are in place.
   If they had true intentions of going through with both a second division and an expansion of the A-League to "even up to 20 teams", as FFA chairman Mr Chris Nikou claims, then it could've very easily been done by establishing the second division first, selecting up to 20 teams for that league, then for the first few seasons allow only promotion towards the A-League and no relegation. However, the fact that they've chosen this roundabout method is evident of their intention to buy as much time as possible so that they can show FIFA and everyone else watching that "hey, look, we are taking steps forward", but at the same time maintain the current status quo for as long as they possibly can. With only one team added per season (the fate of the Wellington Phoenix is unknown at this point), somehow that doesn't seem like much of an "expansion" and the second division discussions have been "ongoing" for a while now and don't show any signs of going anywhere anytime soon. Even for the announcement of these two new teams, the FFA was unsure until the last few hours of when the announcement would be made.
   It's clearly obvious we're dealing with a very closed club. A few people who don't deal nicely to outsiders coming in and taking all these things that they have fought to have. A highly privileged group that consider football to be their own market and that they have every right to be "independent" to do whatever they want with it. Should the A-League clubs gain their highly sought-after independence then there will most definitely be no expansion and no second division (at least none tied directly to the A-League). At this point, maybe it would be a safer bet for the FFA to turn to the teams of the NPL and create a different top-tier league for Australia all together. However, considering what happened with the National Soccer League and the "cleansing" of the stadiums from all teams of ethnic background (denying Australia's football heritage in the meantime), that scenario seems really far fetched. But should the boards of the A-League clubs remain on their current positions to putting their own self-interest before the good of the game, then, unfortunately, football won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Friday, 14 December 2018

Κάτι αλλάζει ή μου φαίνεται..;

  Έβαλα που λέτε το ξυπνητήρι χτες για τις έξι και μισί το πρωί για να ξυπνήσω να δω τον Ολυμπιακό να τα πάιζει όλα για όλα με τη Μίλαν. "Καλά τα πάμε", λέω, "ίσως και να μπορέσουμε κάτι να πάρουμε, έιναι και οι άλλοι χάλια, με προπονητή τώρα τον Γκατούζο που ακόμα κι από τον ΟΦΗ κλωτσηδών τον έδιωξαν". Υπήρχαν δηλαδή περιθώρια για έστω ένα θετικό αποτέλεσμα.
  Ντάξει, όχι για την πρόκριση, γιατί αντικειμενικά η Μίλαν έπαιζε για τρία αποτελέσματα: νίκη δική της, ισοπαλία, ή στη χειρότερη ήττα με ένα γκολ (ακόμη και το 4-2 όμως, όπως άκουσα κατά τη διάρκεια της περιγραφής, εναντίον μας θα ήταν, άρα ουσιαστικά με δύο γκολ το καθάριζε). Οπότε λες "όσο χάλια και να'ναι, έτσι όπως ήρθαν τα πράγματα, δύσκολο να το πετύχεις αυτό". Απλά να δούμε το ματς και να πάρουμε μια νίκη απέναντί σ'ένα σύλλογο που έχει κατακτήσει 7 Πρωταθλητριών. Αυτό από μόνο του δεν το λες και λίγο!
   Και ξεκινάει το ματς. Χωρίς να συμπληρωθεί καν το λεπτό βγάζουμε φάση, βλέπεις, ο τερματοφύλακάς τους ασταθής. Στη συνέχεια πάνε αυτοί να ισορροπήσουν αλλά το κρατάμε εμείς εκεί ακριβώς που το θέλουμε. Με σωστές τοποθετήσεις, με ανεβάσματα από τα πλάγια, χωρίς φθηνά πουλήματα τις μπάλας (κάτι που γινόταν πολύ συχνά παλιότερα), με κινήσεις από παίκτες προς τον κενό χώρο... Όλα δηλαδή τα δείγματα γραφής μιας ομάδας η οποία προπονείται σωστά.
   Το γκολ δεν ερχέται παρά τις όποιες μικροευκαιρίες (είπαμε, με ιταλική ομάδα παίζαμε, αν δε ξέρανε να δέσουνε και την άμυνά τους ας το κλείνανε το μαγαζί!) και ξαφνικά, γύρω από το 30ό λεπτό και μετά η Μίλαν αρχίζει να δείχνει γιατί είναι η... Μίλαν! Από το πουθενά βγάζει φάσεις επικύνδυνες, κάθε μια εκ των οποίων θα μπορούσε να είναι απειλή για τον τερματοφύλακα του Ολυμπιακού, ο οποίος όμως στάθηκε στο ύψος των περιστάσεων και δεν επέτρεψε να παραβιαστεί η εστία του σε αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές. Άλλωστε και οι τερματοφύλακες παίζουν μπάλα και γι'αυτό πληρώνονται, για να "ξελασπώνουν" την ομάδα όταν οι αμυντικοί τα βρίσκουν "σκούρα".
   Το ημίχρονο λήγει με ένα σκαστό φάουλ από μακρινή απόσταση του μαέστρου Φορτούνη (πώς γίνεται να παίζει ακόμα στον Ολυμπιακό αυτός;;;) το οποίο διώχνει δύσκολα ο Ρέινα. Το δεύτερο ξεκινά με έναν Ολυμπιακό που κανέις δεν έχει ξαναδεί.

   Και δεν το λέω από την άποψη του ότι "κατατρόπωσε την αντίπαλό του" και τέτοια. Όχι. Εμείς που παρακολουθούμε τον Ολυμπιακό από την αρχή της πορείας του στο Τσάμπιονς Λιγκ έχουμε συνηθίσει το Θρύλο σε μια ορισμένη συμπεριφορά την οποία δεν επέδειξε απόψε, γεγονός που μας κάνει να ελπίζουμε για ένα καλύτερο αύριο.
   Δέχτηκε φάσεις από τη Μίλαν. Σίγουρα. Φάνηκε απόλυτα συμβιβασμένος με την ιδέα του ότι δεν γίνεται να μη δεχτεί φάσεις, άλλωστε ποδόσφαιρο είναι. Αλλά ήξερε τι ζητούσε μέσα στο γήπεδο και πως να το ζητήσει, ακόμη και το πότε. Τα γκολ ήρθαν σε καίρια σημεία, την ώρα που η Μίλαν άρχιζε να "βολεύεται" με το σκορ και τα χρονικά περιθώρια είχαν αρχίσει να στενέυουν. Ακόμη και η μείωση του σκορ από πλευράς φιλοξενούμενων ήρθε σε μια στιγμή που όπως ήταν η ομάδα απόψε, την έβλεπες, δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να μην έβαζε και τρίτο.
   Μπορεί να φταίει το ότι πέσαμε με τη Μίλαν. Αυτή τη στιγμή, είναι ο ιδανικός αντίπαλος να πετύχεις κάτι τέτοιο. Για όσους με γνωρίζουν προσωπικά, ξέρουν ότι έχω μια ιδιαίτερη "αδυναμία" προς τους "ροσονέρι" και θλίβομαι να βλέπω σε τέτοιο σημείο την ομάδα στην οποία μεγαλούργησαν ο Κακά, ο Σεβτσένκο, ο Πίρλο και τόσοι άλλοι. Πρέπει επιτέλους κι αυτοί, όπως και η Ίντερ, να συνέλθουν, να κάνουν σωστές επενδύσεις και να επιστρέψουν εκεί που ανήκουν, στο Τσάμπιονς Λίγκ.
   Αλλά είδαμε έναν άλλο Ολυμπιακό απόψε. Πιο μετρημένο στις κινήσεις του, λιγότερο ενθουσιώδη και παθιασμένο και περισσότερο λογικό, πολύ πιο ομαδικό και με τεράστια αντοχή (δεν σταμάτησαν να πιέζουν, ειλικρινά), μια ομάδα χωρίς βεντετισμούς (αν και ο Φετφατζίδης θα μπορούσε να είχε επιλέξει την πάσα αντί να εκβιάσει το σουτ σε δύο περιπτώσεις στις αρχές του δευτέρου ημιχρόνου), στην οποία ο ένας παίζει για τον άλλον. Θα σταθώ όμως στη λογική, αφού το να παίζεις με μυαλό και να μην παρασύρεσαι είναι μια πολύ μεγάλη υπόθεση για αυτό το επίπεδο.

   Ακόμη και σε ματσάρες όπως με Λεβερκούζεν ή με Μπενφίκα (από τις μεγαλύτερες σε έκταση και αξία που έχει επιτύχει η ομάδα στην Ευρώπη) δεν έχει επιδείξει η ομάδα τέτοια οξυδέρκεια, τέτοια επιμονή αλλά και υπομονή και τόσο καλή φυσική κατάσταση. Ήταν πραγματικά πολύ σημαντικό αυτό που πέτυχε απόψε (δεδομένου του αντιπάλου αλλά και των ειδικών συνθηκών), όμως πιο σημαντικός θεωρώ ότι ήταν ο τρόπος με τον οποίο το πέτυχε. Έτσι πλέον θα ανέβει και η αυτοπεποίθηση της ομάδας.
   Αρκετοί λένε πως η συγκεκριμένη πρόκριση δεν είναι κάτι το σημαντικό, πως "ε, και τι μ'αυτό; λες και δεν έχετε ξαναπάει στους 32...". Κι έχουν ένα δίκιο. Αλλά δεν είναι το ίδιο να προκρίνεσαι από έναν όμιλο με αντιπάλους τύπου Μπάτε και Βίντι (τυχαία ονόματα) σε σχέση με το να βγαίνεις αλώβητος από έναν όμιλο κόντρα σε Μπέτις και Μίλαν, αφού αγώνες κόντρα σε τέτοιους αντιπάλους απαιτούν το 100 τοις εκατό από μια ομάδα και της ανεβάζουν το επίπεδο. Ο Ολυμπιακός συνήθως πήγαινε στους "32" ή άντε μέχρι τους "16" κι έτρωγε τα μούτρα του. Μετά από αυτό που πέτυχαν απόψε οι παίκτες του Μάρτινς όμως, ποιόν έχουνε να φοβηθούνε;;;
  Μιλώντας για Μάρτινς, του αξίζει το 200 τοις εκατό αυτής της επιτυχίας. Η δουλειά του φαινόταν από το καλοκαίρι κιόλας όταν η ομάδα έχανε σε όλα τα φιλικά και γινόταν περίγελος κι εκείνος απλά συνέχιζε τις δοκιμές του χωρίς να ιδρώνει τ'αυτάκι του. Ήρθε η ώρα των προκριματικών κι εκεί έδειξε τι μπορεί να κάνει. Τον βοήθησε βέβαια και η διοίκηση, ότι ήθελε το είχε, αλλά με αυτά που έχει κάνει παίζει να'ναι ο μοναδικός πρπονητής στην ιστορία του Ολυμπιακού που Δεκέμβρη μήνα θα'χει την ομάδα στην τρίτη θέση και οι οπαδοί θα απαιτούν από τον πρόεδρο να του κάνει ανανέωση συμβολαίου! Και μακάρι να μείνει ώστε να συνεχίσει τη δουλίτσα του για όσο πάει.
   Και κάτι τελευταίο. Μπορεί στα χρόνια της δυναστείας του Ολυμπιακού να γινόταν λόγος για φαλτσοσφυρίγματα, μπορεί η ομάδα να κέρδιζε ψεύτικα πέναλτι, μπορεί να "λάδωναν" τους διαιτητές, μπορεί χίλια δυό μπορεί. Αλλά ποτέ, σε καμία περίπτωση ο Ολυμπιακός, ακόμη και απελπισμένος για τη νίκη στο επόμενο παιχνίδι του πρωταθλήματος να ήταν, δεν πέταγε Ευρωπαϊκά παιχνίδια, πόσο μάλλον όταν είχε ακόμη ελπίδες πρόκρισης. Αυτό που κάνει ο ΠΑΟΚ από τη τρίτη αγωνιστική των ομίλων κι έπειτα είναι μια απλή αθλητική ΞΕΦΤΙΛΑ. Ουσιαστικά παρατάει την Ευρωπή, αφού δεν την αντέχει, ώστε να παραμείνει πρώτος στο πρωτάθλημα. Δεν γίνεται το καλοκαίρι να αποκλείεις Σπαρτάκ και Βασιλεία και να φέρνεις "Χ" στη Λισαβώνα μέσα και μετά ξαφνικά να χάνεις στην έδρα σου από ομάδες της Ουγγαρίας και της Λευκορωσίας. Και το χειρότερο της υπόθεσης είναι η κοροϊδία με τις δήθεν δηλώσεις απογοήτευσης...