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Friday, 1 February 2019

Kingdom Hearts 3: First Impressions

   By God! Never in my life did I need something so much and did I not know it! I was patiently waiting to pick up my order of Kingdom Hearts 3 (KH3) from the game shop that's about 20 minutes from my house by bus. However, it was a little bit out of my way to go there after work but I did so anyway because, let's face it, it's freaking KH3 and some of us have been waiting on this for over a decade now. So even though certain events transpired and I hadn't slept on Monday night, leading me to go to work like a zombie, the only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting this sweet game in my hands.
   But alas, it was not meant to be. After work, I got on the train and went as fast as I could to the mall inside of which the game store is located, only to realize all the stores were shut. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays shops close at five and I did not know that. So I had to wait another extra couple of days while everyone was posting stuff on Twitter about how they got their copies and already finished the game (like, what?)
   Long story short, we get to today (Thursday) when I finally was able to get it into my hands. After finally holding it, each minute till I got back home seemed like a century. To add insult to injury, I got off at the wrong bus stop on my way back, which made me get lost. But, after a walk that lasted (what appeared to be) at least 20 years, I finally made it to my room.
   I took my time opening the box. Everything was so carefully placed inside. There was a steelbook, a small pin and an artbook, along with the game itself of course. Everything was accompanied by that fresh game smell that is just irreplaceable. I don't care what anyone says, no digital edition can ever hope to emulate the feeling of holding a game in your hands for the first time, opening the box and putting the disc in your console.
   Thankfully there weren't many updates to be made. Less than ten minutes actually, along with installation time. That is pretty impressive, considering I had to wait half an hour to play Final Fantasy XV after first inserting the disc in my PS4 (how awful!)
   What an experience those openings were! Oh my God, the feels! One awesome scene after another. I now realize the reason why all the previous titlesof the series were remade in HD: so their cut scenes could be used in the KH3 opening. And it was totally worth it. Not one, but three opening sequences later (the "Face My Fears" clip was by far my favorite, it stands out by a mile), I finally got a taste of the game play with the first world which I won't mention here for spoiler reasons.
   This isn't a game, it's a freakin' celebration. It's so vibrant, so jumpy, it offers such variety of attack and combination, yet at the same time it's so simple to approach: just press "X" to attack. That's it. It makes you wonder, how do those combos pop up? What is it that makes each individual combination appear? All I did was hit the bad guys over and over.
   I don't know which was my favorite attack by I have to say, that one where they all jump in the little car and you just get to start blasting everyone really saved me against the final boss of the first world. And just when I was about to get KO'd too. I still haven't though.
   I'm gonna spoil a little bit here (so stop reading if you don't wanna be spoiled), but I got to play as Riku as well. The difference between him and main character Sora is apparent, they've made him overpowered. He's almost like Aqua was in KH 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage. I hope I get to play more as him.
   A number of characters have already popped up on the screen already and, after playing for almost 3 hours and completing a whole world, I realized I was just in the prologue, the space between KH 2.9 and KH3. I have boarder the Gummi Ship for the first time but even though I was excited to drive it, I thought I would leave it for tomorrow.
   In general, it's been an awesome experience so far, I wanna say well worth the wait, but 12 years is a little abysmal. I just hope we don't have to wait that long for the release of the FF VII remake cause I'm starting to get a little old now. I can't go freaking 40 to play a game, you know! Anyway, we're still here, at 33 and loving our games!

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