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Monday, 20 May 2019

The worst kind of strength

   In life, we may come across all different kinds of people. We give somethings to them and take from them in response. I'm not speaking of physical items; experiences, life lessons, emotions. That sort of thing. We learn and grow from all of our various past and present relationships and bonds and based on them we're able to make better decisions in our future ones. That's what it truly means to become wise.
   Of course, just as all other skills, some people are better at this than others. Due to their natural affinity or their individual circumstances, they attain the skills to be able to "read" people and situations much earlier on in life. Thus they are able to turn certain situations to their favor. And the more they need to practice at this, the better they become.
   Others find they don't need these skills, so they don't "flex" their social "muscles" as much as necessary. This however leaves them in a vulnerable state, as they are never able to figure out how it is they are always placed in a certain situation that leaves them feeling victimized or as if they are being used.
   Abuse comes in various shapes and sizes in this day and age. It doesn't need to be physical. In fact, more often than not, it is emotional. And it is practiced by the aforementioned people that have a better hold of how to control certain situations in order to turn them in their favor. Maintaining the balance of people in their lives, being able to climb up in the corporate ladder, learning how much information is convenient to share and how much could prove detrimental towards their goals (even crossing the boundary of dishonesty), these are the things that social manipulators learn how to do from early on in their lives. 
   We're talking about people who may have needed to nurture these skills in order to survive. It is a "dog-eat-dog" world out there after all, and it's each person for themselves. If you're not tough, then you're just not. You can only go so far on kindness and decency and whoever claims the opposite is simply living within their own utopia.
   But what of the victims of this abuse? What becomes of the ones that never had to develop any social skills due to being overprotected, incapable, or, sometimes, even both? Well, the news is not good for them. They could very easily have their money taken or their items stolen or just, as they say, get taken "for a ride." In the best case scenario, they will be strung along by someone more adept than them at reading social situations and left as a "back-up" of sorts should things go awry.
   Regarding that last case, people don't realize that they've been taken advantage of until they're in way too deep. And by then, they've invested too much to be able to do anything about it. It requires a certain amount of emotional strength to be able to cut off someone who has done nothing but keep you on the sidelines of their own life, just in case they feel they might need you for a "rainy day". Especially when you have spent months or even years living within the delusion that they will always be by your side or that they are someone special to you and you mean as much to them.
   And not many people have this certain strength to end things right then and there once they've realized what they've gotten themselves caught into and who this person really is. So they just let the situation deteriorate even further, wasting their time in pitiful attempts to find any slither of space in the life of a social manipulator that they know they should break away from and would be better off without.
   Others, of course, do possess that strength. The strength to say "enough's enough" and to stand up for themselves. To end the cycle of emotional abuse once and for all and move on with their lives. Sure, it may take a certain amount of time, but once it's over, then it's over for good. These are the types of people that may not understand much about social interactions, but they don't really need to, since they stand with their own two feet firmly rooted to the ground. These people don't allow many to walk beside them, so on the one hand they take their few bonds very seriously, but on the other, if their trust is broken, it can not be repaired.
   There are many kinds of people in this life. What kind are you?

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