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Sunday, 5 August 2012

Hey guys!!!

So, what's up people??

    Hey there everyone! Name's Alex. Been wanting to create my own blog for a while now since facebook just isn't enough for a person to express his opinions nowadays. There is a number of topics I would like to address. But number one on my list is the simplest of them. Today's relations between people and what has become of them through the years. And what we can learn from that. Let's take a closer look...
   Back in the day, there were no means of communications other than a few scarce telephones here and there. So people had no other choice but to actually talk to one another, face to face. This has been put to the side greatly in our time because of the ease of method our new inventions have provided us. But is that truly a reason? If you talk face to face with another person, you are subjected to their eyes and their mind, their thoughts. It is not easy for you to lie or hide your feelings when you're in front of another person. Whereas, on the phone or even better, online, you can say (almost) anything you want and not worry about it. But aren't these feelings what make us human? And this interaction between one another?  Today we hide behind screens and keyboards, scared to death of what people what may think if they caught a glimpse of our true selves.
   Which brings us to another issue of today's relations between people; our image. We struggle daily to create an image of ourselves that others will find entertaining, fun to be with, and into all the latest stuff. We create alter ego's of ourselves so that not only the ones that surround us, but even total strangers (thanks to social media) think we are "hot", "cool", "sexy", "in-style", and a great big bunch of other words that simply won't come to mind right now. The reality of the situation is, we are all lost in our vanity. Most people who create this "alter ego" are desperately seeking someone to share their free time with, and as for the others... They spend their time trying to hide their envy for the "cool" people and secretly hating themselves, not realizing that both sides are just as depressed. 
   Of course it's not the same for everyone. For example the situation is worse when it comes to teenagers (since that's the age when the person grows up and starts finding out the reality about themselves and the world) and it's always different between men and women. Men are usually more relaxed as they grow older, but there is always competition between them when they get together (a.k.a. the law of the jungle). The women are a different story.
   But the ones that end up paying for it are the children. This loss of communication is being "passed down" from generation to generation. People are becoming unable to express their emotions to anyone so they prefer to carry on to what is known to them as reality or everyday life, but most children recognize this as a sign of desertion or indifference from their parents' side. So they end up growing on their own, never truly maturing and using other people to teach them whatever they don't know. And, ultimately, they inherit their parents incapability to express emotions. 
   Even when they find other people they can relate to and engage in some sort of relationship with them (social, sexual), their inability to openly express their likes and dislikes usually leads them to trouble. Some try too hard to not lose the ones close to them, so end up becoming pushy. Others try to "play it cool" and pretend that they don't care (a quite popular course of action these days), so end up losing the one they want, without the other ever knowing about it. All because of the fact that when someone expresses what they actually feel, they are considered a desperate, needy weakling.
   So, what could we do to fix up this situation? Well, for one, turn off the pc! If you want to speak to someone, do it face to face. Next, try talking to as more people as possible. Even strangers. Try to make conversation with others, even if you think the worst about yourselves. That's not what others think of you! Another step would be to try and express your feelings to the ones close to you. It doesn't have to come all at once. Even a simple "thank you" at start would be sufficient. Anything just to show that you appreciate the ones you have. Any type of verbal communication will do, just as long as you're honest. Or at least try to be. We need to be more open with our own feelings and more accepting with other people's feelings, especially in today's world! Keep talkin' people!!!

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