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Saturday, 9 August 2014

The reality...

   Having not written here in quite a while, I wanted to go back to my "roots". To speaking about life and all that it involves from the viewpoint of a normal human being. This article may not be as journalistic as it will be a personal opinion, but then again this is a personal blog so a "journalist" is entitled to his own flaws every once in while, right? Here goes...
   Recently I have come to realize that there are two types of people in this world: people who are born with everything and just add to that as they go up and people who are born with nothing. It is very likely for someone to go from the one point to the other (everything ---> nothing) because of all the greediness in the world, but it doesn't work the other way around. If you are born with nothing in today's world then the most you'll end up with is "something". YOU may learn to cherish that "something", but everyone around you will look at you as if you were a waste of life.
   When you go out with your friends and you talk about random stuff, or in some random life situation, someone may throw the word "moral" around or it may be used in context. "That is morally incorrect!" or "What you did may seem right, but it made him/her feel bad so it's immoral." Seem familiar? I have come to understand that morality is a word weak people use to justify their weakness. Their inability to do what is necessary to go up in this world. Only a few people lack morals. They are either criminals or political/company leaders.
   The words "friendship", "love", "family" lose all meaning when it comes to anything with value and usually money. We have learned to use and dispose of one another just as we would a dish of food. I eat until I am full, then I get rid of it. In a similar manner people keep others around them for as long as they enjoy their company. When they find someone or something better to do with their time, they remove the previous person from their life. That is of course unless the previous person hasn't removed them first, in which case they go looking for them (it's a human nature thing, always wanting what you can't have). But if anyone tries to make us pay for something we think we're not supposed to, we're capable of even ending the friendship/relationship/ownage of child right then and there! We can always buy other people in our lives! But we can't buy more money!
   We are all pretentious. Living in fear of someone calling us something that we wouldn't like to be called (as if they don't do that either way), we walk around being friendly even to people we wouldn't want to associate with just to avoid giving ourselves a bad name. Then they do the same with us and the vicious cycle continues. If a person speaks honestly about others in today's world, he/she usually doesn't have very nice things to say! The only place in which there is actual honesty is the internet and that's only because everyone's (thinks that they're) protected by their anonymity. And it's insufferable because of all the hate!
   I may have said a little about it before, but "true love" is a non-existent matter. If you confess your love to someone, all of a sudden in their eyes it makes you seem weak. Just like, if someone confesses or shows their love to you, you change your opinion of them. Even if you liked them before, now they're someone that you don't even have to fight for. That you have dominance and power over. And, as usual with humans, we tend to use that power, no matter how small it is, and crush anyone we can with it. That's what this "love" is. A struggle of power.
   At times we may walk down the street and all of a sudden see a guy wearing the latest in fashion, getting into his fast BMW or Porsche or whatever latest edition, super-awesome car he might have and think "Damn! I would give just about anything to have that!" Meanwhile, he might thinking in his little world "Damn! I gotta go buy *enter name of object* or *enter other name of object*!! I need that stuff!" Some people with morals like to call that ambition. That we always strive for more things otherwise we just stand still. But ambition is just a pretty word to sugarcoat what that feeling of emptiness truly is. It's called greed. And it's exactly what has turned our world into what it is today. An empty place of empty people who are so full of lies they don't even believe in their own self anymore.
   All these things combine. For example, we may be using people because of who they are just to get closer to our own personal goals. Or we might be paying for someone we don't even like just to get to know someone they know that we like. Or someone might be showing off an object he just purchased that we really wanted but couldn't afford. Or we might be told off by a person we don't think highly of yet their bad opinion of us could be spot on! We are strong-headed and because we don't like to deal with the truth and the severity of the situation ("Why are you being so serious for? C'mon, laugh it off!"), we even feed ourselves with lies that we end up believing in order to be able to survive.
   We always hear in the news about threats to our planet, like the hole in the ozone layer or other such things that may destroy our world, but there's really only one thing terrorizing this poor place: US! We've been destroying in the name of self-profit ever since we were created and we will continue to do so until either we are purged by the planet itself, or we inevitably destroy everything in our own greed. We may think that day is so far away that we don't have to think about it, but it's dangerously close!
   One last thing before I publish. I read this somewhere and I believe it is totally appropriate: "There's no such thing as "hope". To hope is equivalent to giving up and is the biggest deception of all."

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